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Vanessa Elias

Summer is in full swing – it’s time to block party!

Dear Clients, Colleagues, and Friends,

I hope that your summer is off to a wonderful start. Summer can be a welcome change from the demands of school life and also challenging with lack of routine. It’s also a wonderful time to try something new, find some adventure, and make memories.

One of my best childhood memories was a block party on my dead-end road in Missouri. This magical memory is one of the seeds for my passion project, Block Party USA.  I believe that Block Party USA is a cure for our country’s loneliness, social isolation, divisiveness, and the youth mental health crisis. Block Parties will improve your family’s well-being – and it’s free and actionable! With summer now in full swing, there is no better time to have a block party! 

Each road, building, or neighborhood chooses their own day and time. Whether you’re a block party veteran or new to your neighborhood, let’s cultivate a culture of showing up for one another in countless ways! Gather your neighbors, fill the coolers, dust off the lawn chairs – and keep it simple and “old fashioned.” More at Block Party USA.

It really doesn’t take much — I promise! Keep it simple! We are looking to facilitate micro-local connections, and not an anonymous party of hundreds. Somewhere between 4-40 people is the sweet spot.

Need more info? Listen to the podcast featured below, follow the Block Party USA Guide at the bottom of the email, and/or join me this Wednesday for a free zoom to get some tips, inspiration and Q &A! I look forward to meeting you!

Here’s your Zoom invite for Wednesday, June 26, 2024 from 03:00-3:30 PM Eastern Time 

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 886 4990 8151


  • Block parties encourage free play for children. An abundance of free play can make children happier, better problem-solvers, and more energized to pursue learning and develop deep interests.

  • The United States is lonely. Block parties offer social connectedness. To address our nation’s epidemic of loneliness and isolation, the U.S. Surgeon General, Vivek H. Murthy, released The Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community. Be a part of the solution, combat loneliness by rounding up your neighbors for a few hours at the end of a driveway or in adjoining yards! 

  • After block parties, you may see an uptick in teenagers being hired – a win-win! Babysitting, pet sitting, watering plants, mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow. Part-time paid work helps teenagers build agency and confidence.

  • When we get together face-to-face, we realize that we have more in common than we are different. Neighbors may vote differently and they may disagree on many issues, but you can still laugh together, offer a helping hand, and share grilling tips!

  • Here are some of the daily kindnesses reported by one street in Wilton, Conn. Neighbors share recommendations on everything from restaurants to home repair. They pick up packages from porches when fellow homeowners are away. They locate lost dogs, and give neighbors a heads up when raccoons, coyotes, and bears are walking the street. During power outages, those with generators offer refrigerator space for perishables and charge phones. A senior citizen with Alzheimer’s was returned safely to their home after they were seen wandering without a caretaker. A neighborhood girl placed decorations by everyone’s mailboxes, including red, white, and blue pinwheels for Memorial Day and oversized heart signs “Friends 4 Ever” and “U R Loved” for Valentine’s Day. 



I had a ton of fun talking with Josh Morgan on his "The Plural of You" podcast on "How to Throw a Block Party -- and Why You Should!" (Shout out to Weave: The Social Fabric Project from the Aspen Institute for bringing us together!)

There are so many compelling reasons to have a block party (bring back much-needed neighborhood play, fight the loneliness epidemic, feel grounded, find joy in connection, build your support network, have a safer neighborhood, and MORE) so let this be the summer your tradition begins! We ALL need it. Then, watch the block party ripple effect.

I am always available as a resource and guidance for you or your organization!

About the Author

Vanessa Elias is a mental health activist, certified parent coach, speaker, and writer featured on NPR, PBS, and in the WSJ. She is the founder of Thrive with a Guide, LLC and serves as a group facilitator for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). Block Party USA is her passion project. Vanessa helps parents achieve healthier family relationships and lasting, meaningful connections.

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