My work – as a certified parent coach, a mental health advocate, a community leader, and a writer focused on helping parents realize the power they have to foster healthy family relationships – is featured in national, state, and local media.
Wilton “Stigma Crusher” & Certified Parent Coach Kicks Off One-of-a-Kind Business (12/21/20 Good Morning Wilton)
Wilton coach works to help parents find their 'power' (12/17/20 The Wilton Bulletin)
Wilton support group helps parents with challenging children (12/17/20 The Wilton Bulletin)
Vanessa Elias on “Wilton’s Bright Lights” and the power of light during dark times (11/23/20 Good Morning Wilton)
Vanessa Elias is a founding member of Wilton Coalition for Youth launched in 2020, an organization of mental health professionals and community leadership fostering mental well-being and substance use prevention (11/17/20 The Wilton Bulletin)
Pamela Hovland and Vanessa Elias give out “I Voted” stickers honoring Connecticut suffragists and the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment (11/3/20 The Wilton Bulletin)
Op-Ed by Vanessa Elias: Helping kids find joy and connection at recess (8/28/20 Wilton Bulletin)
Op-Ed by Vanessa Elias: Saving Recess: Helping Our Kids Find Joy and Connection in the ‘New COVID Normal’ (8/20/20 Good Morning Wilton)
Guest columnist Vanessa Elias: Assume the Good, and Your Children Will Follow (5/18/20 Good Morning Wilton)
So, you're feeling bored, kids? Vanessa Elias suggests a list of activities to promote independence and resilience in children (5/18/20 GazetteXtra)
Hearst Connecticut Media Editorial Board recognizes Vanessa Elias for organizing birthday party parades during the pandemic (4/27/20 NewsTimes)
Vanessa Elias organizes Wilton parades to put the celebration back in birthdays during coronavirus and social distancing (4/24/20 MySanAntonio.com)
Vanessa Elias: We Need to Prepare (Not Panic) Our Kids When it Comes to the Coronavirus (3/12/20 Yahoo.com)
Vanessa Elias: Stress and Anxiety Over Coronavirus is Just as Contagious–and Damaging (3/10/20 Good Morning Wilton)
Vanessa Elias testified in favor of a "Free-Range Parenting" bill at a public hearing held by the Connecticut State Legislature's Committee on Children (2/15/19 LetGrow.org)
Vanessa Elias creates “Big Block Party Weekend” to strengthen neighborhood connections (9/5/18 Greenwich Time)
NAMI-CAN: Four years of supporting local parents, facilitators Vanessa Elias and Beth Schweitzer discuss their family support group (3/14/18 Wilton Bulletin)
Vanessa Elias is interviewed about Netflix show “13 Reasons Why” (4/29/17 AP News)
Vanessa Elias on the connection between the stress of our highly scheduled lives and the rise of anxiety and depression in children (10/12/16 Daily Voice)
Vanessa Elias discusses upcoming educational event, “Not My Kid: What’s Really Happening with Marijuana, Binge Drinking, and E-Cigarettes in Wilton” (2/1/16 Hamlet Hub)