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All of my services are customized to meet your specific needs. My only agenda is to help you – to unravel your challenges, understand what your child is communicating, and unleash the power that you have to change your life.

one-on-one coaching*

  • Free 30-minute consult

  • Sessions are 55-60 minutes

  • Bundle of six sessions - $1,080 (10% discount) 

  • Bundle of three sessions - $570 (5% discount) 

  • One session - $200 

  • Top-up 30-minute session (check-in for established clients) - $100 

Parent Coaching sessions will be done over Zoom. 

*Payments accepted by check, Zelle, Venmo or PayPal

Vanessa Elias, Thrive with a Guide, 1-on-1 Coaching
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contributing writer

  • School and community communications

  • Local and national news sites

  • Mental health platforms



I lead a culture shift of hope, connection, and action for individuals, families, and communities around the world.

My speaking engagements include keynotes, parent roundtables, book discussions, PTA meetings, and as a featured panelist with fellow mental health professionals. 

Sample presentations:


  • Raising Healthy, Capable, and Resilient Kids, Teens, and Adults.

  • They Have a Device, Now What? How to Create Tech-Free Zones in Your Family.

  • School Refusal – Translating your K–12 Child’s Behaviors (and even College Students!) and How to Develop a Plan Forward.

  • Happy as Your Least Happy Child and other Parenting Myths.

  • Schools and Parents – Working Together for Healthier Kids. 

  • Self-compassion and Finding Joy Whilst Parenting Teens through Young Adults.

  • Why it’s Important to Quit Tracking Your Kids' Phones When They Head Off to College and Other Tips as Your Child Launches.

  • Navigating the Complexities of the Mental Health System and Strategies for Sourcing the Right Help for your Family's Needs.

  • How to Get the Home Life You Want.

In my presentations, I cover a variety of topics (effective communication, connection, community, technology, homework, sports, toxic achievement culture, mental health, parental well-being, independence, play, chores, and more) and provide education, guidance, and actionable ways to achieve the goal/presentation topic.


Please use the contact form below to tell me more about your group or event, and I look forward to customizing a talk for your community!

Vanessa Elias joins Emily Segal, LCSW, and Dr. Andrew Gerber, president and medical director of Silver Hill Hospital, to discuss “Navigating the complexities of the mental health system and strategies for sourcing the right help for your family's needs” hosted by Kids in Crisis.

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Vanessa Elias delivers 9/11 20th Anniversary Speech to honor Peter Burton Hanson, his wife Sue, and their daughter Christine and relates the trauma of that day with the pandemic - and the perspective and strength we can gain.

As a parent support group facilitator for NAMI Southwest CT, Vanessa was honored to present at the CT Region 1 conference: "Mental Health in a Post-Covid World: How to Ensure Emotional Health and Resilience in our Youth/Teens."

She shares her journey to NAMI, how NAMI-CAN groups support parents of children and teens struggling with mental health issues, and what free meetings are like. This video excerpt includes presentations from both Vanessa and a parent from her NAMI group.

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Work With Me
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